During his internship at Mabbett, Erik Lindholm from Bates College, has developed and implemented a trans analysis tool to assist the Site Assessment Team review long term data trends at multiple EPA National Priority List (NPL) Sites in Maryland. Erik was able to utilize the last two decades of data for key monitoring wells and priority contaminants to develop a flexible tool following EPA’s guidance on trend analysis presented in the Groundwater Statistics Tool. The trans analysis data is being used to develop remedial response actions, update the Conceptual Site Models (CSMs), and highlight potential long term risks from groundwater transport at the sites. Erik’s analysis identified one contaminant that may be coming from offsite, which will impact the upcoming remedial design.
Reference Links
Mabbett’s linked in https://www.linkedin.com/company/mabbett-associates/life/3ce96a68-15d9-48b8-9519-6acf0962b5e2/
Erik’s Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-lindholm-675b6425b/
Bates – https://www.linkedin.com/school/bates-college/
CSM fact Sheet – Conceptual Site Models (CSMs)
GW Statistics Tool – https://semspub.epa.gov/work/HQ/100001733.pdf