September 11, 2024

On September 11, 2001, our nation was viciously attacked. Many of you were children at the time and thus, the magnitude of the events that day were impossible to put in perspective. For those of us who were adults and had seen prior conflicts, it was a most disturbing and somber day.

Thousands of Americans and citizens of many countries lost their lives. More than 10,000 first responders and others who worked at the sites have been medically impacted or have died since 9-11. Unfortunately, the threats of terrorism and to world peace are even more concerning today.

Let us pause for a few moments on 9-11 and consider what happened that day, our current world’s situation, and what the future might hold. Let us commit to do our part to help preserve liberty and freedom. Let us pray for those who lost their lives, who lost a loved one, were injured that day, or were impacted by their exposure at the sites, and for the peace and freedom of all mankind.

May God bless the United States of America.

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