Mabbett understands that having accurate, reproducible, high quality information regarding the presence or absence of regulated building materials is vital to enabling site managers to complete facility renovations and maintenance in a timely, safe, and cost effective fashion. Of equal importance is having a current Asbestos Management Plan for maintaining the healthiest possible environment for staff and visitors. The plan also ensures that maintenance or abatement is required these activities are performed in a safe manner, which limits exposure. Mabbett can provide the expertise, technical depth, and experienced and credentialed personnel who can provide the level of quality, value, detail and deliverable usability demanded by the user. Mabbett has a proven management approach for performing large-scale asbestos survey programs. We utilize electronic copies of building floor plans, in the most current CADD software version, to provide detailed locations of identified Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) on floor plans with the final report. Mabbett develops abatement cost estimates which can be used for quarterly asbestos liability reporting and project planning purposes.