US Department of Veterans Affairs

Mabbett was awarded a task order under our VA VISN 1 A/E $10M ID/IQ contract to provide professional engineering services to evaluate options and upgrades associated with replacing the deteriorating steam system at the Jamaica Plain VAMC. System components evaluated included steam convectors, fans, controls, steam stations, valves and insulation. Services were completed to prioritize upgrades based on a $3.2M construction budget.
Mabbett conducted preliminary meetings and site survey investigations to define the necessary elements of the project scope of work. Mabbett determined the severity of deficiencies, if any previous deficiencies have been corrected and identified any conditions which may have previously been unreported. The results of the investigations were presented in preliminary layout plans with proposed alternatives to the User Group. Based on User Group meetings and site surveys, Mabbett prepared a basis of design report pertinent to the project requirements within the constraints of the construction budget and consistent with the VA’s project team goals. Through the course of the design phase, Mabbett interfaced with VAMC staff to confirm the details of the scope through a series of meetings and periodic submissions of documents.
Mabbett prepared the 30% Schematic submittal; 60% Design Development submittal; 90% Construction Documents submittal; and 100% Bid [Final] Documents submittal. Each design submission included architectural, mechanical, and electrical disciplines and each discipline requirements were addressed in the Design Analysis, Specifications, Cost Estimate, and Drawings. All design submission requirements were in accordance with the A/E ID/IQ Contract and conformed to the latest editions of all VA criteria/standards/regulations/design guides, along with Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations.
Mabbett completed an asbestos and lead based paint survey to determine the presence of these hazardous building materials and prepared a survey report that resulted in the basis of hazardous materials abatement drawings which are included in the Bid Documents submittal. Each design discipline investigated the availability of existing building information, and field verified all essential elements pertinent to their discipline. Site conditions were measured, photographed, and documented for areas identified to be renovated and/or impacted. Provided the necessary investigation and inspection of existing utilities to ensure their adequacy.
Mabbett prepared cost estimates to reflect the cost for the project including lead and asbestos removal, required phasing, special field conditions and/or temporary equipment needed during the construction. The final cost estimate accompanied the final design and was submitted for approval to the VA Project Engineer. The 100% Bid Documents submittal also included necessary engineering calculations, independent fire safety/life safety review and bid schedule.